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Introducing our new “Live Market”

Today we’re excited to announce the launch of our new Live Market. 🚀

Here, suppliers have access to live demand for product requested directly by buyers on Rooser. Suppliers can ‘Accept’ a request to take it off the market and fulfil the order, or ‘Ignore’ to remove it from view.

But that's not all - it also provides the real price of goods sold on Rooser! 💪

It’s a huge step forwards as we continue our efforts to bring transparency to the market and enable seafood traders to buy and sell at the right price, in confidence.

Up until now, we’ve been focused on building a platform that provides what most would consider the typical marketplace experience - suppliers list stock, buyers browse and buy.

And this is an integral part of the journey… But in seafood, it is only one part of the equation.

In the offline world, supplier/buyer relationships are much more reciprocal. Suppliers contact buyers with a list of available stock, and buyers contact suppliers looking for stock they need to fulfil their commitments. It’s a two way street. (Albeit a relatively small street. Take a look at our stadium analogy to find out why).

The Live Market is our first step in bringing this second dimension of the seafood market into the online world.

Now if buyers can’t find what they’re looking for on the marketplace, they can request it from suppliers. Once they submit their request it will be visible to hundreds of suppliers on Rooser, ready to be accepted and fulfilled.

This is great for suppliers too!

On the one hand, it provides regular opportunities to pick up more sales. But moreover, it provides an opportunity to see where the market is at, in real time. 

We’re one step closer to bringing transparency to the industry.

As part of the Live Market, suppliers are able to see a view of recent sales made on Rooser, including the price goods are trading at to follow the market. This provides real time feedback that suppliers can use to make sure they’re listing at the right price on the marketplace to maximise sales. 

Transparency is key to enabling seafood suppliers and buyers alike to be able to make the right decisions with confidence. The Live Market is just the first step in being able to make this a reality. Bringing transparency and certainty to seafood are the two core components of our mission as we work towards eliminating seafood waste by ensuring every fish harvested makes it onto someone’s plate.

Fancy joining us on our mission? Check out our open positions here. 😀